My Mission
Unless you’re already familiar with my work, you may be asking yourself, “Who the heck is this Austin Blood guy?”
First off, I’m not a doctor or a professional therapist so if you're someone who thinks the best information on life, love and success only comes from certified professionals with a slew of letters after their name, then I’m definitely not your guy.
While I don’t have a PhD or a stack of certifications, what I DO have is something that’s sorely lacking in this day and age of meandering psychobabble and yammering doubletalk….
Straight talk with a healthy dose of common sense.
My gift is distilling logic and experience into concrete, practical advice you can use to transform your life.
I must be doing something right because I’ve helped thousands of women ditch depression, improve their relationships and live happier and more fulfilling lives.
It’s been a long strange trip from total obscurity to high visibility author and mentor to women.
Along the way I’ve appeared on the Dr. Drew Show, become a featured writer for The Huffington Post and had the good fortune to watch my social media presence explode to over 200,000 awesome women purely through word-of-mouth.
Hanging With Dr. Drew
Call it fate, luck or a midlife crisis, but life wasn’t always this rosy.
To the contrary, it was anything but.
After spending 15 years leading business development teams & navigating politics in the boardrooms of corporate America, events in my life conspired in such a way that within a six-month period my entire existence imploded into a chaotic train wreck of dysfunction and strife.
By the time the dust settled, I was out of a job, done with my wife, bored with life, broke, and damn near homeless.
While I was sitting around assessing the damage, I decided to try my hand at writing as an act of catharsis. I needed to do something to regain my sanity and since I couldn't afford a therapist, I traded in my corporate-issued Dell for an archaic MacBook Pro and started AustinBlood.com
AustinBlood.com Original Logo
Then I began writing.
And writing…
And writing…
I wrote about women, love, loss and the error of my ways. When I was done writing about it, I wrote about it some more.
Now, normally I'm of the mind that readers are not well served when a writer purges their soul via the written word, but something about my trials and tribulations really seemed to resonate with women in particular.
So much so that legions of ladies launched my first two Huffington Post articles straight into the viral stratosphere by way of their social share buttons.
Fast forward a few years and I now find myself with a thriving career mentoring women through my company, Austin Blood Ventures.
As a former bad boy with entirely too much experience playing women like a fiddle, I’ve finally matured and realized that life isn’t about what you get, but rather about what you give.
So like Darth Vader renouncing the dark side, I now use my powers for good.
By combining a passion for the physchology of success with my personal experience in the trenches of love and loss, my unique brand of testosterone-laced “transformation therapy” has helped thousands of women boost their confidence, improve their relationships and live happier and more fulfilling lives.
2024: Austin Blood Ventures, Irvine CA
I will freely admit that never in my wildest dreams did I imagine a career in which I could make a substantial difference in the lives of so many people.
And I most certainly never imagined something of this large of a scope and scale.
But one of the most beautiful things about modern technology is the opportunity to put your message in a modem and throw it in the cyber sea.
Then, if another castaway finds hope when your words arrive on their shore, to me, that’s what it’s really all about…
The opportunity to be a life raft for someone else.
Just when they need it the most.